Sunday 15 January 2012

How to Apply a wash

You can buy pre-mixed washes but the best and cheapest way is to mix your own wash. I prefer to wash with diluted oil paint because it dries very slowly and it gives me plenty of time to correct any mistakes. It also flows easily into all the nooks and crannies the model and dosen't pool as acrylic wash often do. 

I usally mix up my wash with odorless thinner and black oil paint but depending on model and camouflage, I also use washes of burnt umber, sienna and other earth tones . The wash should be as thin as 20 parts thinner to one part paint if the wash is too strong, simply dilute with more thinner. When I'm satisfied with the mix, I just brush it on the model. I let wash sit for half an hour and then wipe off the excess with a rag moistened with thinner. Be sure to always wipe in the direction of the imaginary air flow over the fuselage. I use a damp cotton swab for tight places. I usually go over the model a second time more carefully this time with a smaller brush and concentrating more on details.

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