Friday 11 January 2013

Swedish Piston Fighter Colours: 1925-1954

Mikael Forslund's new book about the Swedish piston fighter era came in the mail today. And what a happy surprise it was, I thought it were to be a small paperback like the same author’s book on the J-21 fighter but it turned out to be a big A4+ size, 264 page, hardback.  It is loaded with photos, some in color, and beautiful color drawings depicting various camouflage and markings for the different types of aircraft . All aircraft are described in english text and in chronological order from J-1 Phönix D.II to the  J-30 DH Mosquito NF Mk XIX, all with plenty of pictures and illustrations  At the end of the book there is a short summary about colors and markings (but if you want to immerse yourselves in that topic you really need the book “Kronmärkt” ISBN: 9789172430037)
This is the book to have if you are the least interested in piston fighter aircraft in Swedish air force service and it is an Aladdin's cave for the Swedish Air Force modeler. The price for the book ranges from 28 to 40 Euro so it pays to check prices online. I bought my copy online for aprox. 28 Euro including shipping.

Publisher: Mushroom Model Publications
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8361421726
ISBN-13: 978-8361421726

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